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Nuestro Rio Celebrates Cesar Chavez with Corrido Live Performance to Urge Policymakers to Protect Colorado River and Preserve Latino History
    Wednesday April 11, 2012 2:00pm - 3:00pm @ Press Room (4th Floor, Gallery 3)

    Miguel Orozco, Nueva Vista Media (producer of Viva Obama, which has been viewed by over 1.5 million people). Mariachi band Fiesta Grande will perform the Colorado River corrido and ask people to sign Nuestro Rio's Si Se Puede Pledge.

    Demand on Colorado River water now exceeds its supply. Nuestro Rio is sending a musical message (through a corrido, or traditional ballad) that Latinos want utilities and our state and federal governments to plan for a future in which water flows strong in the Colorado River. The corrido focuses on the historical and cultural significance of the Colorado River to our communities.

    Nuestro Rio (@NuestroRio) is a grassroots network of over 13,000 Latinos who support restoring strong water flows in the Colorado River and its tributaries in order sustain this resource that has benefited our communities for hundreds of years.



    Type Press Conference
  • Room: Plaza 4&5 (5th Floor) 4th Floor, Gallery 3
  • Tags Music

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